Tuesday, September 18, 2012

An absolute beginner

突然の報告ですが、私Gingerは、FTP マット・ピラティスのベーシック・インストラクター資格試験に合格しました。

とは言っても、『ピラティスってなんじゃ? 』と思っておられる方が多いかと。





I’m making a surprise report, but I’ve just got a licence of FTP Mat Pilates Basic instructor.

Well, but what it Pilates? –I guess that must be the FAQ in this case.
Pilates is a physical fitness which is focused on training so-called the inner muscles and improve coordination and balance. Through Pilates trainings, you can use the outer muscles easier without unnecessary effort so you don’t get too tired easily and be able to have more self-awareness about your own body.
Many people ask me “Is that a Yoga-ish thing?”, but Pilates is completely different from Yoga.

It’s not yet half a year since I’ve started Pilates, but during the 6 months, my body has changed a lot in both visible and invisible ways.
Though I’ve passed the exam of the Pilates instructor, I’ve just stepped on to the long road called Pilates. I’m an absolute beginner. Each day from now on is much more important for me.

I gave myself small gifts as a celebration. Moon teas, traditional Chinese medicine books, and carrier oils and essential oils for lymph massage.
Moon teas are four different teas assort to support your body and mind which changes with New Moon, Waxing Moon, Full Moon, and Waning Moon. I thought that’s sort of beautiful.

On the New Moon day, your mind is well-balanced and it helps enhancing the ability to judge. Thus it’s the best time for starting something new. So on the last New Moon night, I had a lavender foot bath, drinking the New Moon tea, and then I massaged my feet before I went to bed. On the next morning, I felt my body was detoxified!

When you are busy day by day, you get stressed because you can’t do the things you really want to do. But I want to keep making effort to make the place where I belong right now comfortable. And I want to share the methods with many people.